NextGen is launching an innovative generator for wind power that’s lighter, more efficient, and environmentally friendly. Our goal is to improve power generation, reduce material, energy costs, and minimize environmental impact.
We’re doing this by designing a new 10 MW generator, testing a large prototype, and analyzing its effects on wind turbine systems.
Project Goals #1
Design and evaluate a novel 10 MW direct drive generator for wind power
- With the aim to achieve a torque density >500 Nm/kg giving a mass < 22.5 tons (thus a >90 % reduction compared to the IEA reference turbine)
- Assessing direct and indirect material savings, including critical raw materials (CRMs)
- Establish a technology qualification roadmap, to guide R&I and validation efforts
Project Goals #2
Test a MW-sized prototype in a relevant environment (TRL5)
- Aiming for a 1-4 MW prototype with a torque density in the range of 130-300 Nm/jkg and an efficiency of at least 97.5%
- To asses and evaluate the generators function and operational performance in a nacelle test bench
- To assess compliance towards Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5 – Technology validation in a relevant environment
Project Goals #3
Evaluate sustainability impact
- Map how the Hagnesia generator design would (could) impact other parts of the turbine design
- System performance and behavior when using a PTF-generator vs a state-of-the-art conventional drivetrain, by system simulations in a relevant environment
- Estimate the PTF generator’s sustainability impact for different wind power technologies, focusing especially on material use. The goal will be to lower the climate impact, as measured in CO2 equivalents per kWh, by 10 %
To advance this novel generator technology, NextGen unites two of Europe’s top wind power research teams. Fraunhofer IWES will enhance its technical readiness by developing a qualification plan and testing a prototype on its world-leading nacelle test bench. Meanwhile, DTU will leverage its expertise in modeling and impact analysis to assess the generator’s potential effects at the turbine level.
Hagnesia Wind AB
Hagnesia Wind AB is a subsidiary to Hagnesia AB, which focuses on the development and commercialisation of the PTF technology for wind power applications. The team has strong academic background as well as industrial experience on all fields relevant for generator design and construction, such as electromagnetism, mechanical engineering, motor design, numerical analysis using FEM, power electronics and compliance assessment.
Hagnesia will act as project coordinator and thus be responsible for project management (WP.J) and activities for Reporting and knowledge community (WP.I). Furthermore, Hagnesia will be responsible for theGenerator Design (WP.A) and the Prototype Construction (WP.D).

Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)
Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES) de-risks investments in technological developments through validation, shortening innovation cycles, accelerating certification procedures, and increasing planning accuracy by means of innovative measurement methods in the wind energy and hydrogen technology sectors. At present, there are more than 300 scientists and employees as well as around 150 students employed at the nine sites. The combination of a globally unique testing infrastructure with method expertise distinguishes the IWES as a research and technology organisation from companies all over the world.
The primary roles of Fraunhofer IWES are to develop jointly a technology qualification and validation strategy (WP B), to develop a HIL testing environment (WP E) for validation of the generator on a system level with test requirements derived from experience and design specific simulations (WP E), to prepare the test lab (WP F) and to finally perform the generator tests (WP F).

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Wind and Energy Systems is one of the top wind energy research units in the world, offering expertise in wind turbine inflow and wake modelling and simulation, turbine loads and power simulation, and wind turbine and wind farm control algorithm development. DTU Wind Energy has an extensive project portfolio of over 130 on-going RDI projects, spanning over 40 countries, with extensive commercial activities including turbine OEMs and wind farm owners/developers.
The primary role of DTU Wind and Energy Systems is to evaluate the impact of the generator design on the overall turbine system from a general response and loads perspective. DTU’s main role will be to identify which other wind turbine and support structure components could be affected most significantly from a simplified and qualitative perspective (WP C). Further, a more detailed assessment is made using a dynamic response model that will be used to quantify a mass saving potential for key components (WP D).
Track 1: Design and Roadmap for accelerated time to market
- Work package A – Generator design
Work package A – Generator design
This work package focuses on developing the PTF technology into a more mature generator design fit for MW-sized wind power applications. Based on input from WP B and WP C, a baseline design is developed and evaluated using inhouse analytical modeling tools as well as FEM and CAD-aided assessment of electromagnetic, thermal, mechanical and fluid mechanical properties.
Key outputs of this work package are design and modeling parameters for a 10 MW generator, to be further studied in track 3, as well a 1-2 MW generator prototype, which will be built and tested in track 2.
- Work package B – Technology Qualification
This work package, led by IWES, will establish a technology qualification roadmap for Hagnesia’s novel generator technology for the wind power application. By identifying and assessing relevant requirements and risks at different Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), the roadmap will provide hands-on guidance for how to validate TRL5 within the NextGen as well as the later steps toward TRL 9.
In addition to providing key input to generator design and component validation within NextGen, the results will be used to guide project exploitation beyond NextGen.
- Work Package C – Technology Integration
This work package, led by DTU, will assess the implications (risks, barriers, opportunities) of integrating the novel generator technology into an onshore or offshore wind turbine from a system perspective. This will serve as a high level study mapping the most important design trade-offs and considerations, which will be used both as input to the generator design as well as for scoping the detailed design study in WP.G
Track 2: Component Validation
- Work Package D – Prototype Construction
Based on the design set in WP A, a MW sized generator prototype is to be built, including auxiliary systems. The prototype is important to prove the design, manufacturability, function and performance of the PTF technology for the wind power application. The targeted prototype performance is a torque density in the range of 130-300 Nm/kg* and an efficiency of at least 97.5 % at rated power. Corresponding performance target if scaled up to a 10 MW design, which is further studied in track 3, is a torque density >500 Nm/kg and an efficiency at rated power >98%.
- Work Package E – Test Modelling
This Work Package will develop a methodology and comprehensive plan for how the PTF prototype can be tested as a component in a relevant environment using HIL. For this, IWES will develop a experience- and simulation-based test plan which combines experience in the field of generator testing with a systematic approach to derive design specific test requirements based on a multi-domain simulation with design load cases as an input. This will facilitate a faster and more efficient achievement of higher TRL levels, within and beyond nextGen.
- Work Package F – Prototype Testing
The constructed generator prototype will be shipped and tested by IWES at their Dynamic Nacelle Testing Laboratory (DyNaLab) in Bremerhaven, Germany. Following the test plan developed in work package E, the tests will first cover measurements to verify basic electrical parameters, the diagnosis of the dynamic characteristics and the performance of different load cases (esp. partial load, nominal load and overload). Then the operational behavior of the generator will be analyzed in more detail.
- Work Package H – Results processing and evaluation
This work package will collect and assess the results from both track 2 (component validation) and track 3 (system impact), as further described under track 3.
Track 3: System Impact Assessment
- Work Package G – System Modelling response and Impact
This work package will perform more in-depth aeroelastic simulations studies in time domain, using the HAWC2 software [add link?] , to quantify the potential impact of the PTF generator at turbine level. A comparative study of is made of the design and operational behavior of the IEA 10 MW reference turbine, when exchanging the conventional direct drive generator to the lightweight PTF generator, Focusing on direct and indirect material savings, the cost and environmental impact for both on- and off-shore (incl. bottom-fixed and floating) variants of the turbine will be studied and quantified.
- Work Package H – Results processing and evaluation
This work package will collect and assess the results from both track 2 (component validation) and track 3 (system impact), to draw conclusions and identify future work related to the project objectives. This will include data processing, model validation and design evaluation of both the 10 MW design and the tested generator prototype. Specific attention will be given to the evaluation, conclusion and future works with regards to technology qualification efforts and technology’s technology readiness level (TRL).
Project management & knowledge transfer
- Work Package I – Reporting and knowledge community
This work package is dedicated to reporting, scientific collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the CETP knowledge community.
- Work Package J – Project management
This work package is dedicated to lead, monitor and coordinate the project in a timely and effective manner.